Conservation of the stone blocks of the foundation walls of Temple I in Hattusha
Since 2009, the stones of the foundation walls of Temple 1 (Great Temple) have been conserved in Hattuscha under the direction of the Erfurt University of Applied Sciences (Prof. T. Staemmler).
The blocks are made of limestone. It is affected by cracks, breaks, peeling, crumbling and biogenic infestation.
The following measures were essentially carried out:
Mechanical cleaning of growth in cracks and crevices
if necessary, removal of old supplements and firming agents
Strengthening or bonding of the endangered areas with epoxy resin Araldite® HY 103 (resin) and REN HY 956 (hardener); Thinning with MEK, thickening with Aerosil®18 HK 1308 and marble powder <90 μm (2: 1)
Sealing of the crevices or slopes of the shells with acrylic resin-bound mortar (ROMSTEDT factory dry mix 002 (fine) for limestone and ROMSTEDT acrylic resin binder (1: 3))
Point retouch with pigmented acryl resin dispersion
© DAI, FH Erfurt, photo: N. Hammer