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Restoration of 20 vessels or vessel fragments for the exhibition "3300 BC. Mysterious Stone Age Dead and their World" in the State Museum for Prehistory Halle (Saale)

Among other things, this included the following measures:

  • Dissolution of the old bonds and cleaning with acetone

  • partial strengthening of the surface or edges with 7% Paraloid B 48 N (in ethyl acetate)
  • new bonding with approx. 50% Paraloid B 48 N (in ethyl acetate), if necessary thickened with glass beads and pigmented
  • partial plaster supplementation of imperfections or stabilization with plaster bridges (1: 1 dental plaster and alabaster plaster)
  • Retouching of the additions with colors from Paraloid B 72 and pigments.

©  LDA Saxony-Anhalt, Kyrill Radezky

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